Saturday, May 15, 2010


Taking AP European history, I believe, has really been beneficial for me. Although I have not been in a college class yet, this class is not like any of my other high school classes, so I am assuming this is going to be how a college class will be. Also for the fact that it is AP. The pace of the class has really helped me with my note-taking skills. Before, I would pretty much write down everything and I tried doing that at the beginning of the year but found it to be impossible, and would actually miss some of the most important items. There was a lot of information covered in a short amount of time so it forced me to be more organized and to mange my time better because I knew I would have to be prepared for class.
Even though I did all the work and read all the material, I never did well on the tests. I was never a good test taker but, I thought that since I did have everything prepared and would study more then I would for another class that I would do better but, that wasn't the case.
What I found most beneficial in the class is all the presentations and learning on our own we had to do. The more presentations I did, the better I got. I never really liked given presentations but since we did so many by the end I did not mind them at all. Preparing the presentations, I think, helped me to better learn the material since I would have to research and read the information. When others gave the presentations, it also helped with my note-taking because I would learn to recognize the important items.
Although the class was a lot of work, in the end it was very beneficial and exciting!!

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